August 6, 2024

Connect in Your Community: The Ultimate Local Networking Group Guide

It's always a good idea to explore local meetup groups, as they often host events and gatherings that can lead to meaningful connections and growth opportunities.

In the Highland area,  entrepreneurs have several groups they can join to connect with peers and enhance their business skills. Groups like The Women in Milford, BenjaMen of Huron Valley, The Highland White Lake Business  Association or even the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce are all close to the Highland area. If you  want to travel a bit further, the Clarkston MI area offers Social Oak or Social Oak Gents for fun,  interactive entrepreneurial meetups. These groups offer a range of events, workshops, and networking  opportunities that can be instrumental in a budding entrepreneur's journey. It's always a good idea to  explore local meetup groups, as they often host events and gatherings that can lead to meaningful  connections and growth opportunities.  

As we move forward here at The Foundry Workspaces, we will be adding happy hours, networking  events of our own, and starting in 2025 we will be hosting a monthly Mastermind group for members  only.  

So, whether near, or far, our area is booming with ways to step outside your comfort zone and meet  some awesome new people that are also building their businesses. Check out one, or all, and  experience what this community has to offer!